Monday, February 13, 2006

Swimming with the Boys

What the hell is the deal with the pool? I try to swim Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays because it's not as crowded and I don't have to share a lane. I really, really hate sharing. So while Saturday was uneventful, Sunday was a nightmare. I have no idea what the hell kind of event was going on at the Community Center, but it must have been pretty big. I had to park across the street on the other side of the middle school parking lot. I was most upset by this development.

Once I got into the locker room, I realized that wearing a suit that actually fits involves tightness that isn't there when I wear one that's a size too big. I had to return to my backup suit this week because my newer suit is having technical difficulties. Anyway, I was ten minutes into my swim when I look up and see people with clipboards and a few boys standing around at the edge of the pool. A couple more laps and I notice about 20 more boys have joined them. Another lap later and the pool has been swarmed with these boys. I have no idea what the hell these kids were doing, but I know that they didn't know how to swim. I felt slightly bad about swimming next to them because while I had been swimming for 20 minutes straight, they were swimming a lap each and I was passing them right and left. It was odd though, because as quickly as they had come in, they were gone. Then my poor ears were subjected to the nasty cold as I had to trek back to my truck. The poor frostbite stricken extremeties did not take well to this exposure.

I am most happy to report that when the temperature in one's house is 50 degrees, the pool is actually quite warm and inviting. Yet another perk of not turning the heat on in the house.