Friday, December 18, 2009

That's just so wrong

Apparently, thieves have taken off with the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign from Auschwitz. What the hell? Why? And how? That thing is heavy and large and iron and way up high. I mean, have you seen it? Where the hell would you hide it after stealing it anyway? The Poles need to get on finding it before someone melts it down or something.

As an aside, I've always been bothered by fictionalized accounts of people in Auschwitz when they use the sign as something the individual walked under daily on their way to work. Yes, it's a recognized symbol of the camp, but the sign is in Auschwitz 1. The characters in the stories (and the vast majority of inmates in real life), based on described living and work conditions in these books, arrived at and were housed in Birkenau (aka Auschwitz 2) which is miles away. It's poor understanding and a lack of historical accuracy that gives holocaust deniers ammunition for their cause. It is often referenced in "historical" texts that the people saw the sign when getting off the trains and how cruel and sadistic they think it was to give people hope. No, no, no. Just stop if you don't know anything about it. Surprisingly, Wikipedia is on target with their reference. I should add that the sign appeared in other camps like Dachau and I have no idea who could see it there. I'm being specific to Auschwitz.

Hollywood hasn't helped matters. Spielberg decided that the actual barracks at the Birkenau camp weren't "right" and built new ones for filming Schindler's List. The historians that I met at the camp weren't real impressed by this.

I once wrote a paper about Holocaust denial and found it interesting that there are many things that are accepted about the Holocaust as fact that can be definitively proven as untrue. I don't understand the need to make things up when the truth was absolutely horrible. All it does is feed the flames of the deniers.

Anyway back to the stolen sign, I hope they're able to find it because a replacement would just lead to more protestations of denial of this genocidal atrocity.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reason #65992221212454212154 Why Utah is Evil

So Monday morning I set off for the 500 mile drive to Las Vegas. It had snowed overnight and chain laws were up on Parley's so I stuck to the freeway knowing that the shorter route through Provo Canyon was most likely a disaster. Anyway, Utah is always a horrible, horrible place full of equally horrible drivers and on this trip they set out to prove it.

Exhibit #1 - Man misses his exit. He stops right in front of me on an icy, snowy freeway and proceeds to back up to get back to it.

Exhibit #2 - Man decides to make a U-turn across four lanes of interstate traffic. No joke, the idiot actually ended up facing the wrong way in the car pool lane. Then, since everyone had stopped to avoid him, he pulled out across all four lanes again and continued on his way.

Exhibit #3 - Bastard runs into me. The insurance lady asked me if I'd seen him coming. I was like yeah, but I thought he'd stop. Since I'd just driven the length of the massive storm that hit the country, it was most annoying that I'd driven through zero visibility conditions for 400 miles on a very snowy road and I get hit when neither rain nor snow was affecting the drive. It was quite sad too since I was only three miles from the Arizona border.

Utah drivers and roundabouts do not a good combination make. And roundabouts should just stay in Europe where they belong because we don't need them here and no one knows how to use them anyway.

On a slightly different note, I totally cracked up when the Las Vegas news was telling people to stay in and not take their lives in their hands by driving in the rain.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

When the Site Goes Down...

So there I was working the other night when the entire site just disappeared. Clearly something was wrong. Since the entire business (and thus my paycheck) are dependent on the site being up, I was a bit upset. Plus, I like to get paid and I can't get paid if I can't work because the site's down. Boo.

Sadly, it was 3 AM and how comfortable would you be calling an IT guy you don't know to tell him that he needs to get up and fix things ASAP? Today I was happily enjoying being able to work when the site went down again. IT Guy sends an e-mail saying it blipped and everything is fine. Wrong. I can't do anything but he's on his way home and can't fix the problem for another hour. I hate server "upgrades". They never make anything better all they do is screw things up.