I suggest a new strategy R2; let the wookie win.
I often think of things while driving, trying to sleep, etc. and try to remember to blog about them. Somehow, I can never remember them the next time I'm writing an entry. Such is the case today.Tonight I am excited because SciFi is running a Heroes marathon so I can finally see the pilot episode. Even better, this fits into the timing of my evening because I also have to go kick some ass at my association meeting. Once again I'm going to have to explain what loans, interest and amortization schedules are and that when I say I want a quarterly balance statement, I mean it. If they haven't yet figured out what a balance sheet is, this time I'm prepared with a sample. I'm also setting up an amortization schedule for the various loan options they took out for the new siding. I'm hoping that visuals will help.
Do I sound bitter to you? It's only because I've given thousands of dollars to these people and I've yet to see what exactly they've done with it. I can hardly imagine that it costs over a thousand dollars a year to plow my driveway (which I share with 3 others, so make that $4000) and mow my lawn.
ETA: Change in plans. Much as I would like to kick some ass tonight, I'd rather make money. Also, I get free food which gets me one step closer to not having to visit the grocery store before I leave. J and B are going to see Bodyworlds tonight. I was thinking of going at 2AM on Sunday. But that's 80 miles to see dead bodies dipped in plastic and I'm not sure how badly I need to see them.