Wednesday, November 08, 2006

With the lights out its less dangerous, here we are now, entertain us

Yesterday, I went deer hunting. I almost brought home a prize buck but I decided it was better to keep my truck in the condition it's currently in rather than taking out Senor Big Rack. I'm feeling a little bit psychic too because not thirty seconds before he made his appearance I was thinking I'm about due for an accident. Stupid deer.

In polling news, I am feeling disenfranchised. My polling place did not have enough parking and no street parking so I had to wait ten minutes just to park. Then I stood in line outside in a strong wind that hurt my ears for another 15 minutes. What really pissed me off though, was that the unregistered voters got to cut the line. The directions read (and I was standing there a long time so I read everything) that you go in and register, then go to the back of the line of the registered voters. This did not happen. As I was waiting to be allowed to get my ballot, I noted that four newly registered voters got to vote for every one previously registered voter. Not okay.

I was voter 999. Turn that upside down and there is evil. I felt the portent of that evil and this morning it was confirmed when I saw the Raise E's Taxes 25-30% initiative had passed by a miniscule 200 vote margin. Boo!