Tuesday, January 02, 2007

No, he's not dead

I was finally, blissfully asleep at 10:30 last night when my damn phone rang. It was my mother who was convinced that my brother was dead or greviously injured because he wasn't answering his mobile or home phones. I gave her various plausible reasons why he wasn't answering either and she got quite upset with me that I wasn't as worried as her and hung up.

So he hadn't answered the phone in four hours. Maybe he was at the movies (and he'll sometimes see three in a row - sneaking into the last two without paying), maybe he just forgot to turn his phone back on, maybe it was loud where he was and he didn't hear his phone ringing. Nothing seemed to convince her he wasn't dead.

What did she expect me to do?

In case you are wondering, my brother is fine. Or at least someone is doing a fine job of impersonating him because I've received e-mail from him this morning.