Best Weekend Ever (or more truthfully in a really long time)
My weekend started out great and just improved as time went on. Friday my computer was taken away for repairs, so I went home early. I took a brief nap, got a surprising phone call that made my day and spent the rest of the evening in an absolutely euphoric state.Saturday it snowed a bit. I went to the store for some food and spent the afternoon making a dinner of oven roasted potatoes, meatballs, garlic breadsticks and green beans. That night around 12:30, my hateful neighbors got stuck in the driveway. Instead of offering to help tow him out, I watched out my window for 25 minutes as they tried to dig his car out of the snow. I was vastly entertaining. I did finally break down and go out to offer help but the second I opened the door, he got loose. Had it been the drunk lady and her boyfriend I would have helped immediately, but these are the losers whome I hate so whatever.
Sunday, I went out and played in the snow. I made a large tunnel which the kids enjoyed immensely. I wonder if J was ever convinced to leave it and go inside. We also went out on a toboggan behind the snowmobile. The directions on the toboggan said do not pull this with motorized vehicle. Whatever, it was fun. Then I went to an Oscar party which involved excellent food and I won the Oscar picks so I got a gift certificate to the movies. I had seen exactly two movies on the entire ballot (Pan's Labyrinth and United 93) so obviously I'm just gifted when it comes to reading the minds of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Also, apparently it was Rachel's golden birthday. So happy birthday Rachel!