Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Fence is Up!

So approximately four weeks after I left for Minnesota, I have returned home to Wyoming. While I was gone, my neighbor seems to have gotten some motivation and put up a new fence. Only one problem, Gracie can totally walk under said fence. Now she'll have to wait a month or so until I decide to go to a real town to get some fencing before being allowed to play chase whatever E throws.

I also picked up my mail today. In it, I found very few bills (quite an achievement when you've been gone for a month), two paychecks and a Christmas present. Yay Christmas! It included cash so I was much pleased. One of my parents apparently slipped some cash into my wallet the other day too. I find it vastly amusing that my parents think I need money. My dad claims I'm quasi-unemployed. I'm actually quite happily employed. I just don't work very much. It makes life much more enjoyable.

And apparently, Obama's stimulus bill is providing me with the ability to elect COBRA benefits for 65% off the original rate quoted. This discount is only available to people who didn't elect COBRA when they were laid off. Apparently, it sucks to be you if you took the ridiculously overpriced COBRA right off. If it weren't retroactive to March 1, I'd totally take the dental insurance, do the whole cleaning thing, then cancel after only paying a month.

George has taken the loss of Gracie quite hard. My mother is really excited because Gracie's visit convinced my dad that they need another dog. She is scouring Petfinder to locate just the right companion for George. Until then, he'll just have to pine wistfully for the return of his girlfriend. Until he comes out here to visit her.