How's this for a date?
My brother went out to some concert last night with his girlfriend. All seems normal right? However, his ex-girlfriend picked them up and drove them to said concert. Seems a bit awkward to me. (No, there is absolutely nothing going on between my brother and his ex. They are just really good friends - especially since she's been on the verge of death for the last couple years)
In other random news, my credit card bill was under $300 this month. I consider this a massive triumph since my credit card is essentially a tally of all of my expenses. This includes my mobile, satellite and booksfree membership, as well as a $90 eye exam. I'm pretty sure I didn't buy gas last month, so the rest is groceries. That's it. I still wonder what exactly I was buying when I was averaging bills two to three times that each month.
I Caved
I've been trying to keep the heat "off" for as long as I could. Since there is no real off, I've had it at 48 (and yes, it has turned on a couple of times at 48). I don't think that counts. Yesterday, however, my hand was so cold while I was working, I couldn't deal with it anymore. I turned the thermostat up to 55. This is the ideal cheap temperature I've discovered because neither my nose nor my hands get cold at this temp. Go lower and they do.
Also, MythBusters tonight busted the myth of "Beer before liquor never been sicker". A lovely piece of take home knowledge. In fact, the hangover post beer and liquor was less (or non-existent) than the beer only hangover in their tests.
When Coworkers Meet Reality TV
I work from home. I've never really "met" any of my coworkers other than talking on the phone, via email or over IM. This doesn't necessarily give me any idea about them other than their work ethic and minor personality traits. However, recently one of my "coworkers" was on the Amazing Race. She was kicked off really early in the show, but wow was it enough for me.
Problem is now I just desperately want to tell her she needs to dump the boyfriend ASAP. What a complete jackass. At the end, even Phil (the awesomely hot host) was like, "Umm, is he always like this?" And now it's been revealed that they got engaged. Seriously, I don't know this person. I need to keep quiet, but it's so hard not to say "Runaway!"
Random Conversations with My Mother
E: A called me today.
Mom: He didn't ask for money did he?
E: Oddly no. He wanted to convince me to come home for Thanksgiving.
Mom: That would be just stupid. You shouldn't come home. What is his problem?
E: Apparently, the girlfriend was sad about not meeting me.
Mom: Oh, they're talking about family?
Mom: Can you download this game, play it until you get to level 19 and then tell me how to pass it?
E: No.
Mom: I'm not feeling well.
E: I'm sorry. Do you have Swine Flu?
Mom: No. Just a cough. I'm still stuck on level 19. Tell me how to pass it.
Mom (in pitiful voice): I'm sick
E: Do you have Swine Flu?
Mom: Yes. Now I have to wear a mask and everyone's looking at me. And I had to sit in the quarantine area of the waiting room.
E: That's too bad.
Mom: Your dad is calling it Pig Flu. I don't like it.
E: Well, he'll have it soon too. Just don't give it to George. Did you know the Twins traded for Hardy?
How come all of the teams didn't get one?
I was reading a report on where some of the stimulus money went and found this gem:
$30 million for a spring training baseball complex for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies
Seems a little unfair to the 28 other teams in baseball.
Also funny: $6 million for a snow-making facility in Duluth, Minn.