Saturday, July 30, 2011

Test Photos

Kiruna 1994
Lappland 1993

Sunday, November 14, 2010


A few weeks ago a stray cat showed up at my parents' place. She was super friendly and followed my dad around everywhere when he was outside. Next thing I know, they've officially added the cat to the family. She got toys, food and a litter box. George is incredibly jealous and who wouldn't be? The cat lays in my dad's lap, runs all over the house jumping up where George can't go and generally gets more attention. George has even started trying to jump into dad's lap. Poor puppy. My brother is all ready to rescue George from the evil cat if he thinks George isn't getting enough attention.

I mentioned the need for rabies and distemper shots for the cat and getting her spayed would be a good idea too. They can't get her fixed yet though, because she ate a ton of rat poison a few weeks ago and it's basically an anti-coagulant. Thus, no cutting on the cat. They have to wait up to three weeks before they can even be sure the cat is even going to survive the rat poison anyway. My mom thinks the cat is already pregnant and I would laugh so hard if they discovered kittens some day soon. Did I mention I hate cats?

Thursday, November 04, 2010

File Under People Who Suck

Judith Griggs is an asshat.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


October is supposed to be the month of horror movies. Where are they? With the exception of the Twins/Yankees series, I've yet to see much of anything. Chiller works for some things but mostly they only show B-movies. Where are the classics? Boo cable channel programmers.

At some point, I'd like to continue documenting the neverending road trip. Sadly, it seems that even though I've got quite a bit of time, I never quite get around to it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Neverending Road Trip

In early July, I got a call. The first words out of my mom's mouth were "Your dad says he'll take the dog." Lovely. After desperate pleas from my mother, I agreed to take her to a conference in Nashville. She'd been planning to go with a friend, but said friend's husband had open heart surgery the day before they were supposed to leave. I had to abandon my newly planted grass and make the long drive to Minnesota. Since it's summer, my usual hotel in the Black Hills was booked up and I took a new route through Montana to Miles City.

The Montana route is a bit longer, but it doesn't involve the road to nowhere through South & North Dakota, so...bonus! Also, Montana has much better speed limits and better scenery. I got up in Miles City and headed to the post office to renew my passport. A helpful man named Jim took my photo and helped me fill out the application. The renewal rates went up the following day, so I took the opportunity while I could. It's all about the planning, people. Then it was off through Montana and North Dakota's Badlands on a delightful road called a freeway.

As usual, I traveled across North Dakota and then sat parked on the freeway in Fargo. On a positive note, I didn't have time to get angry about the traffic because I was in the middle of a teleconference at the time. I learned on the radio that some smart construction person had closed two lanes instead of just one causing all sorts of problems. Anyway, at some point I made it across the bridge into Minnesota.

The next day, my mother and I left for the Twin Cities where I hit the library to do some work and pick up some reading materials. We spent the night in their apartment and took off the next day for the Amana Colonies - Best known for making lovely things like air conditioners.

We stayed at a very nice B&B where the owner's husband had died just hours before our arrival. So dead guy downstairs, grieving family members and a broken internet connection. Not good. I felt incredibly awkward the entire two days we were there. We spent one evening in a bar with wifi so I could work and several hours the next day at the library so I could work some more.

Finally, we got to leave and got on I-80. This left me extremely frustrated since I live off of I-80 and had now driven about 600 miles out of the way to get back to it. Then we headed south where Missouri welcomed us.

We continued on to St. Louis where we briefly thought we had missed the Arch. My mother got quite upset about how I should have taken the other freeway when up ahead we saw the arch. Then we saw Busch Stadium. My mother wouldn't let me go to the game that night, so we continued on to Illinois.

Worrying about rush hour St. Louis traffic, I didn't snap this picture

We escaped Illinois to hit a massive storm in Kentucky. Should you ever encounter a little (okay, a lot of) rain in Kentucky, you're supposed to completely panic, turn on the emergency lights and pull over. I kept going. It wasn't like a tornado was heading our way. We finally got to Paducah where we spent the night before the thankfully short drive to Nashville.

Due to the rain and trying not to die, I didn't take a picture of this sign.

The remainder of this tale to be continued...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pineapple Makes It Better

I recently came into quite a bit of cash. While not a total surprise (my parents harassed me for over a week to go to the post office, so I knew something was up), having a nice sized check show up is always a good thing. Since I need to keep everything in a very liquid asset and nothing will really earn me decent interest, I decided to spend some (just to demonstrate its liquidity). And really, nothing says "I'm rich" like culinary experimentation.

So I bought steaks and some marinade and commenced experimentation. The first time, I followed the instructions on the marinade and ended up with okay teriyaki steak. Last night I tried again. This time I messed around with the marinade using pineapple juice with a touch of vinegar for a kick. I'm happy to say it turned out really well. It also provided an excellent sauce which made the baked potatoes very tasty. This just goes to show that pineapple makes everything better.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New Store

You know what's wicked awesome? When I don't have to drive 80 miles to pick up a new shower curtain liner. The Pamida store that's been promised to be built for years now finally opened last month. Wonder of wonders, I can now just run to the street instead of braving the mountains to pick up general household products. Excellent.