Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This weekend I went nowhere. I parked my car in the garage on Friday night and didn't move it again until Monday morning. At one point I was going to go to Burger King, but I waited so long that the blizzard showed up just in time to stop me from going.

This weekend, however, I am going to Denver. My plans involve a ridiculously early wake up call so Gracie can go to the kennel before the kennel lady goes to church, a lunch run at Qdoba in Laramie/Cheyenne and lots of time spent trying to find overnight parking in downtown Denver. Company car though, so if anything happens to it...not my problem.

I am saddened somewhat by the company car because this means I cannot stock up with several cases of imported alcohol from the liquor store I have scoped out in Denver. Apparently, it's the largest liquor store in Colorado and they have lots of stuff that's impossible to find here or in the alcohol-free zone known as Utah.