Seeds for the Future
So this weekend because it was long and I didn't have decent water, I decided to head to Wal*Mart to pick up some flowers and seeds for my garden. On the way home I was caught in a speed trap at the top of one of the Sisters.First of all, I was pissed because the guy pulled me over for going 82 in a 75. But mostly I was mad because he was right at the top of the mountain. A mountain that requires pedal to the floor to have the power to get over it. When you reach the top, you naturally have a lot of built up energy and can't just slow immediately. I did not get a ticket. The cop also tried to accuse me of having a second ID. Obviously, they were simply pulling people over for any little infraction so that they could find something bigger.
This also appeared to be the same officer who had an article written about him in the local paper. He claimed that driving faster isn't going to make much difference. That's an argument you could make living in the city for people driving 50 miles. When you drive across this state (as many people frequently do) it saves a noticeable amount of time. In fact, I calculated time saved on my trip to Denver. One and a half hours saved by driving just a few small miles over the speed limit. This is a crap argument and everyone in this state knows it.