Leaving on a Jet Plane
Because I'm me and because I can, I've been seriously considering selling my house, putting everything in storage, dropping the dog with my parents and moving to Ireland for a few months. It may seem a bit drastic, but why not? My job can be done anywhere there's internet access and I'm bored.So I started looking at costs. I found a nice little cottage available for $179 a week. I'm thinking off season here so prices are a bit lower than crazy summer prices. When that includes utilities and such, I'd be set. Seriously, I do pretty well despite my quasi-employed status and with the cash I'd have from the sale of my house, it's not like it would matter anyway. I could become a moody American who walks the cliffs overlooking the radioactive Irish Sea in the rain. Very gothic.
Whether I do something ridiculous like this or not, it's motivated me to start pretending to pack again. I moved boxes today. I'm pretty much out of things to pack that I don't use or need to stage a house, but I can move boxes to other places in the house. Tomorrow, I'm going to clean and then maybe call a realtor over next week to discuss options.