As Seen on TV
I watch a lot of late night television. As such, I get to see a lot of those only on TV products that I only want because they seem ridiculous. Here are some of my favorites:The Neckline Slimmer, which as one person put it, is a pogo stick for your chin. The thing that amuses me the most about the commercial is that there are three springs, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. And there is a training video. Seriously, the thing is a chin rest on a spring. What can you possibly need a training video for?
The Ab Circle Pro looks like the stupidest ab workout yet. But I love spin-y chairs and this looks kind of like spinning only you only go halfway before stopping and going back the other way. It might make you dizzy, but I think it might be fun for a few seconds.
And finally, the Teeter Hang Ups. This one makes you hang upside down like a bat while supposedly relieving back pain. The best part of the commercial for this one though, is the small print that reads, "Extraordinary Claims". No "Individual results may vary" for this product. It's a straight up you're a sucker if you believe us message. I want one.